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Glow #2 - Light in the classroom

When i was in the middle of my architecture degree, I started to attend a few industrial design courses. I was very passionate about it, and took every excercise very seriously.

One of the exercises involved making lamps, and different "on" and "off" states. I was so "turned on" about it! Here are the sketches:

The following is Joan Manuel Serrat, a spanish musician, and one of his songs without any punctuation marks, just the letters (The song is "Hoy puede ser un gran día" which means "Today could be a great day").

Then, i made a Woody Allen one.

I loved the idea that you can print anything on a sheet of paper and turn it into a light. From this exercise, my mind started creating Glou, the first light i designed, in Uruguay. The name "Glou - ideas brillantes" was meant for Southamerica. Now, i'm about to lounch Glow - Bright ideas in Israel.

Stay in touch, i'll be sharing the story. Thanks for your visit! Feel free to comment, share, subscribe, and even show me your own projects! Fa

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