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Pi#3 - Dog-friendly Balcony and Easy Rail Makeover

This is the balcony rail before our intervention. The guy at the paint store gave me a great tip to paint it really quick, and this is what i'm about to share with you. First, use the kind of paint you use on rust. (remember this is not my apartment so i won't be investing a lot of time and effort to fix it.)

First paint with a brush the big parts and those with difficult access.

Then get a pair of disposable gloves and an old sock... (I used a latex glove, then a nylon one, and the sock on top).

You spread a little paint on your hand with a small brush, and you start to "paint" the bars with your hands. It's very easy, clean and fast.


The second part of this project involves security. You see in the picture, there was a big gap between the floor and the rail, about 20 cm. So I wanted it to be safe for Uma, our beloved dog.

This is all you need to make the balcony a dog-friendly place.

I didn't take pictures of the entire procedure, but it's very simple: I covered the MDF with the contact paper, very well to avoid the rain to get to it. Then I made a few holes at the corners, so i could tie them as you see in the picture.

And get a safe and smiley dog!

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